-name: kevin
-age: 14
-email: runescape.freak@gmail.com
-MSN ign: seng_kevin@hotmail.com
-school: hwachong institution
-birthday: 28th April 1991

*wishlist - wishes
- to be able to play games whenever i like =X
- to read novels and thrillers
- blogging (here it is!)
- a new handphone (ok.. a better quality handphone)
- improve my Chinese and English (trying now!)
- get more than people to visit my blog
and lastly...
- to be able to smile properly
- to be a reliable friend
- and a sweet smile from a sweet gurl

*ILurve - my ol' computer games
- food
- Exploring unknown places

*IHate - being bossed & forced around

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ok I got a new blog..


(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |11:17 PM
