-name: kevin
-age: 14
-email: runescape.freak@gmail.com
-MSN ign: seng_kevin@hotmail.com
-school: hwachong institution
-birthday: 28th April 1991

*wishlist - wishes
- to be able to play games whenever i like =X
- to read novels and thrillers
- blogging (here it is!)
- a new handphone (ok.. a better quality handphone)
- improve my Chinese and English (trying now!)
- get more than people to visit my blog
and lastly...
- to be able to smile properly
- to be a reliable friend
- and a sweet smile from a sweet gurl

*ILurve - my ol' computer games
- food
- Exploring unknown places

*IHate - being bossed & forced around

Saturday, June 11, 2005


well. after another long week. I can finally use the computer.

Barred from the computer cuz I just muttered some words under my breath, and my parents thought i was cursing them.. -_-;;;

But managed to find the internet cable in their hiding place, and played Maple Story and Gunbound.
Could play from 7.30 till 5. when i got to go for dinner. =)
However, now that my mother decided not to go to school, well, no more games for me.

so well. this is just a post.
kinda sianz during holis.
They asked me to put up a schedule. and it sucks.
Very boring people i have with, who do nothing but scold me.
Dunno which homework to do.
Only Maths and English.
For english, i copied all the answers =p

Hopefully the next week will be tight, as my mother will be home all day, which is trouble.

kinda like zzzzing.


(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |6:51 PM

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Ok. Fine. This is the limit. 1 week into the holis, and now my parents are gonna ban me from computer, unless i plead for it!!!
In the car, they asked me some questions, cuz they didnt liked the way I answered, they thought my ep3 had made me worst, and complained about the school values and bla bla bla. all the crap. and decided to bar me! WTF?
Now, i am trying to squeeze every single time i have into this blog and ghomeowkr, in the meantime, wishing they will understand today's SATURDAY section in the Straits Times. And realised that i also multi-task, and am not not focused when i have a book in front of my computer! (no American meaning)

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |6:46 PM

Thursday, June 02, 2005

SO. Its been another week since I last posted. Well. the first week of school holis are coming to a close! Time really flies...

Well, been for SMO, Singapore Mathematical Olympiad. I kinda screwed up for that. Knew only about 1/5 of the questions, or rather, attempted. Will be placing a huge bet that I'll fail.

Then, comes the auditions. The auditions was kind of crappy. Literally everyone was either playing or running about, and poor Ren Jie tried to keep everyone as per normal, to his sense.

AFter that, for Wednesday and Thursday, I slept and overshot the Hwachong bus stops. Both of them! Yesterday and today, so I was 1hour late for my ep3 ..

well, not enjoying my holis yet, my parents have yet to lemme play at all. only played like 1 hour at 1am, b4 having my parents beckoning me to sleep..

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:14 PM
