-name: kevin
-age: 14
-email: runescape.freak@gmail.com
-MSN ign: seng_kevin@hotmail.com
-school: hwachong institution
-birthday: 28th April 1991

*wishlist - wishes
- to be able to play games whenever i like =X
- to read novels and thrillers
- blogging (here it is!)
- a new handphone (ok.. a better quality handphone)
- improve my Chinese and English (trying now!)
- get more than people to visit my blog
and lastly...
- to be able to smile properly
- to be a reliable friend
- and a sweet smile from a sweet gurl

*ILurve - my ol' computer games
- food
- Exploring unknown places

*IHate - being bossed & forced around

Monday, August 07, 2006

Well. I saw this pretty cool invention made by 2 small girls in China not even in Secondary school!!
They made chopsticks made of potato paste, hardened with some other materials. It is as durable as normal chopsticks, and what's more.. you can eat your chopsticks!

OMg.. Environmental friendly!!

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:45 PM

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Omg. Its national day so fast! All tests down. except my 3 science test! woohoo

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:17 AM
