-name: kevin
-age: 14
-email: runescape.freak@gmail.com
-MSN ign: seng_kevin@hotmail.com
-school: hwachong institution
-birthday: 28th April 1991

*wishlist - wishes
- to be able to play games whenever i like =X
- to read novels and thrillers
- blogging (here it is!)
- a new handphone (ok.. a better quality handphone)
- improve my Chinese and English (trying now!)
- get more than people to visit my blog
and lastly...
- to be able to smile properly
- to be a reliable friend
- and a sweet smile from a sweet gurl

*ILurve - my ol' computer games
- food
- Exploring unknown places

*IHate - being bossed & forced around

Thursday, December 08, 2005

well.. this blog.. has 0 traffic.

it is

I cannot go on with this...
kind of hate the holis now..

especially when you got nothing to do at home...
and you got no money to go out..

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |10:32 PM
