-name: kevin
-age: 14
-email: runescape.freak@gmail.com
-MSN ign: seng_kevin@hotmail.com
-school: hwachong institution
-birthday: 28th April 1991

*wishlist - wishes
- to be able to play games whenever i like =X
- to read novels and thrillers
- blogging (here it is!)
- a new handphone (ok.. a better quality handphone)
- improve my Chinese and English (trying now!)
- get more than people to visit my blog
and lastly...
- to be able to smile properly
- to be a reliable friend
- and a sweet smile from a sweet gurl

*ILurve - my ol' computer games
- food
- Exploring unknown places

*IHate - being bossed & forced around

Friday, September 23, 2005

look at this webby:


(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:46 PM

Monday, September 19, 2005

ok.. so finally I have a post eh?
I just realised that my blog seems to be getting a bit neglected :( , but it is fine with me. This is just created to post my views and opinions and share some other events.

Today I read about this article about the consequences of careless blogging. Although employers have a point, employees still have the right to speak, or rather speak behind their seniors' backs. Blogs are just personal diaries, where one shares with other people. It is like writing a diary book and later passing it around. Gossiping will never stop, it is one of the enemies of any business. Even if blogging is monitored/banned/restricted, employees will still find a way to express their opinion.
However, one cannot seem to draw a line between what is suitable and what is not. For example, racist remarks. One might get pissed by another race because that fella' somehow cut the queue/purposely knock into the writer/do some other annoying stuff and want to rant about it. But in the process of letting out the anger (we are taught not to bottle up our anger), one might not be able to differenciate racism or just venting their anger. Due to that, many blogs have been shut down. This is also an extremely important case since Singapore relies on the many races to survive.

What has become a hobby turn out to be a platform for flaming/scrutinising/jeering. Also, blogs that are supposed to be accessed by just a group of friends will become a blog that is accessed by thousands of viewers daily, all thanks to media attention and the itchy nose of "moderators" trying to snuff out racism and unwanted materials.

Think about it. Is blogging now an ideal place for us to really voice our opinion?

Other than that, the day ended normally.

Although at 3pm...
I just got a message that I won a PDA in some science competetion that was held on TV. Not sure what issit, just sent my address to them first.. hopefully its quite good.


(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |8:10 PM

Friday, September 16, 2005

well.. it seems that one week has gone, or rather we are now one week closer to exams. So far so good, I am doing my homework ( Could have said I rushed through them in the wee mornings before school starts ) and presenting them :D. A much better attitude than before. I am also going home much later than usual, about 3.30pm~4.30pm. That means I am playing Maple for a lesser period of time.

I hope to get satisfcatory results for this term, and I think I can make it.. But..

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:04 PM

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

ok.. nth to post. Just went to maple site to look for nice stuff..

here are some collections:


of course.. the infamous g@y thread with things that make you o.O

and other stuff

have fun =D

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |10:56 PM

Monday, September 12, 2005

ok.. now I am going back to my blogging spree, which is to read other people's blogs and post in my own blog once every 2 days. I am going to start using proper English in my blog, so as to pull up my socks in English.

Today, we have a new geography teacher, or rather acting as a stand-in for our own sickly Geography teacher who would be out of action for a few weeks. This new teacher, to many of us, were 2 thumbs up; or to simply say, better than our old Geography teacher. She dazzled us in the first lesson, although to me it was kind of a waste of time, as many of us were either chatting or finishing up our undone English homework.

When the day closed uneventfully, Ching To and I went to KAP to have "lunch". We found a spot beside the potted plants, bought some sundaes and started on our homework. Altogether, I finished 1 and a half chapters for English and Ching To finished a History ACE which was marvellous. However, he ate humble pie and said the content was rather bland, only adding a little more spice with flowering language.

After which, I went to his house. First time in my live I seen a house so clean as his (Actually other houses were also very neat, but his is exceptional). I cannot say much, for I do not want to be accused of some trival matters. But I have one word to describe him and his family: Awkward.

Then a huge thunderstorm without rain came. The 7.00pm sky was literally as dark as pitch black, or midnight black. The ominous clouds loomed over our heads as Ching To's mother drove me to my home, threatening to release gallons of water on the metallic car. But the rain did not came. It came as a drizzle. Yes, a light drizzle, although lightning flashed and thunder crashed in our ears.

Well, after that the night is going to past without any interesting things to write about. My parents are in a good mood, somehow, and I am going to spend the night reading blogs and articles I have missed out during the week.


P.S Read this:

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd
waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to a
rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the
ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer
be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll
raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed
ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and
I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt! tahts so cool!!! If you can
udernatnsd tihs rdanieg, sned it on.

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:31 PM

Saturday, September 10, 2005

haiz.. what a short week
finally my computer is back
or it seems..
repaired 2 days ago
then it tio virus
spent half the day fixing it

now its clean
and happy
and its perfomance much better than before =D

holidays so fast gone
i Have only done maths homework
pia from 11pm to 2am this morning...

my english..
havent do yet
oh no!
i am losing track of myself!!
must revise...
am trying too..
borrowed a book.
hopefully will diligently read it by this week..

nothing much else to say
sorry for bad english =D

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |3:13 PM

Saturday, September 03, 2005

sorry guys again...
couldnt blog
my computer died 2 days ago. after my last post =(

now using parents computer
trying to repair it
asked for help
now gonna install a backup operating system
and bla bla bla...

Ortus NITE rocks!
some parts r cool
the others r lame
above all, i must thank da Council for bringing us tis effort!
3 cheers!

I luv the 3K's performance best
they r the best though
most active and jubilant group of all

also their advertisements are funny
very funny
i mean we r laughing at their silliness
although some of them were kinda -_-

the sec 1hs sux
so frigging noisy
there's this figging guy
a figging nigger
wearing specs and striped shirt
every performance
or rather every 10 mins
and start screamin
i wanted to shout:
"HEY BOY! I know you havent gone through puberty, but please shut up!"

was quite tired after that
had kinda lotsa fun
i mean
some games were poorly coordinated
but still fun
good to see everyone letting their hair down
even Zhuo Yan, who can kill you with a pinch in the face, just did not want to win


ok so tht's should be it
i wont rant about MSG
my MSG = 2.66666666666.....
sorry Darrell Ang
I am sorry
You should know why

But i myself is screwed
those who know me
will know why..
take this as
2.00 is considered ME getting B4 for maths.. (to my parents)

they didnt ask me for my results! ^^
gonna tell them on Sunday 23.59
then ask them sign =p

my father gonna bring me to COMEX !!
i wish he would buy me a laptop !!!

(' ')(.. )( ..)('' )( '')(O_O)
`angel was watched again at |9:31 AM
